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Version: v0.30.0

Command-Line Help for nargo

This document contains the help content for the nargo command-line program.

Command Overview:


Noir's package manager

Usage: nargo <COMMAND>

  • backend — Install and select custom backends used to generate and verify proofs
  • check — Checks the constraint system for errors
  • fmt — Format the Noir files in a workspace
  • codegen-verifier — Generates a Solidity verifier smart contract for the program
  • compile — Compile the program and its secret execution trace into ACIR format
  • new — Create a Noir project in a new directory
  • init — Create a Noir project in the current directory
  • execute — Executes a circuit to calculate its return value
  • prove — Create proof for this program. The proof is returned as a hex encoded string
  • verify — Given a proof and a program, verify whether the proof is valid
  • test — Run the tests for this program
  • info — Provides detailed information on each of a program's function (represented by a single circuit)
  • lsp — Starts the Noir LSP server

nargo backend

Install and select custom backends used to generate and verify proofs

Usage: nargo backend <COMMAND>

  • current — Prints the name of the currently active backend
  • ls — Prints the list of currently installed backends
  • use — Select the backend to use
  • install — Install a new backend from a URL
  • uninstall — Uninstalls a backend

nargo backend current

Prints the name of the currently active backend

Usage: nargo backend current

nargo backend ls

Prints the list of currently installed backends

Usage: nargo backend ls

nargo backend use

Select the backend to use

Usage: nargo backend use <BACKEND>


nargo backend install

Install a new backend from a URL

Usage: nargo backend install <BACKEND> <URL>

  • <BACKEND> — The name of the backend to install
  • <URL> — The URL from which to download the backend

nargo backend uninstall

Uninstalls a backend

Usage: nargo backend uninstall <BACKEND>

  • <BACKEND> — The name of the backend to uninstall

nargo check

Checks the constraint system for errors

Usage: nargo check [OPTIONS]

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to check

  • --workspace — Check all packages in the workspace

  • --overwrite — Force overwrite of existing files

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

nargo fmt

Format the Noir files in a workspace

Usage: nargo fmt [OPTIONS]

  • --check — Run noirfmt in check mode

nargo codegen-verifier

Generates a Solidity verifier smart contract for the program

Usage: nargo codegen-verifier [OPTIONS]

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to codegen

  • --workspace — Codegen all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

nargo compile

Compile the program and its secret execution trace into ACIR format

Usage: nargo compile [OPTIONS]

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to compile

  • --workspace — Compile all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

nargo new

Create a Noir project in a new directory

Usage: nargo new [OPTIONS] <PATH>

  • <PATH> — The path to save the new project
  • --name <NAME> — Name of the package [default: package directory name]
  • --lib — Use a library template
  • --bin — Use a binary template [default]
  • --contract — Use a contract template

nargo init

Create a Noir project in the current directory

Usage: nargo init [OPTIONS]

  • --name <NAME> — Name of the package [default: current directory name]
  • --lib — Use a library template
  • --bin — Use a binary template [default]
  • --contract — Use a contract template

nargo execute

Executes a circuit to calculate its return value

Usage: nargo execute [OPTIONS] [WITNESS_NAME]

  • <WITNESS_NAME> — Write the execution witness to named file
  • -p, --prover-name <PROVER_NAME> — The name of the toml file which contains the inputs for the prover

    Default value: Prover

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to execute

  • --workspace — Execute all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

  • --oracle-resolver <ORACLE_RESOLVER> — JSON RPC url to solve oracle calls

nargo prove

Create proof for this program. The proof is returned as a hex encoded string

Usage: nargo prove [OPTIONS]

  • -p, --prover-name <PROVER_NAME> — The name of the toml file which contains the inputs for the prover

    Default value: Prover

  • -v, --verifier-name <VERIFIER_NAME> — The name of the toml file which contains the inputs for the verifier

    Default value: Verifier

  • --verify — Verify proof after proving

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to prove

  • --workspace — Prove all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

  • --oracle-resolver <ORACLE_RESOLVER> — JSON RPC url to solve oracle calls

nargo verify

Given a proof and a program, verify whether the proof is valid

Usage: nargo verify [OPTIONS]

  • -v, --verifier-name <VERIFIER_NAME> — The name of the toml file which contains the inputs for the verifier

    Default value: Verifier

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package verify

  • --workspace — Verify all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

nargo test

Run the tests for this program

Usage: nargo test [OPTIONS] [TEST_NAME]

  • <TEST_NAME> — If given, only tests with names containing this string will be run
  • --show-output — Display output of println statements

  • --exact — Only run tests that match exactly

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to test

  • --workspace — Test all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

  • --oracle-resolver <ORACLE_RESOLVER> — JSON RPC url to solve oracle calls

nargo info

Provides detailed information on each of a program's function (represented by a single circuit)

Current information provided per circuit: 1. The number of ACIR opcodes 2. Counts the final number gates in the circuit used by a backend

Usage: nargo info [OPTIONS]

  • --package <PACKAGE> — The name of the package to detail

  • --workspace — Detail all packages in the workspace

  • --expression-width <EXPRESSION_WIDTH> — Override the expression width requested by the backend

    Default value: 4

  • --force — Force a full recompilation

  • --print-acir — Display the ACIR for compiled circuit

  • --deny-warnings — Treat all warnings as errors

  • --silence-warnings — Suppress warnings

nargo lsp

Starts the Noir LSP server

Starts an LSP server which allows IDEs such as VS Code to display diagnostics in Noir source.

VS Code Noir Language Support:

Usage: nargo lsp

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